Plates and posts with railway distance measurement as used on Polish and German railways. The script allows creating all signs for the range of distances from 0,0 km to 999,9 km. Additionally, an offset (distance correction) value can be displayed on plates. The script allows creating distance signs in various forms:
- Polish distance posts (since epoch IIIa);
- Polish distance plates from electrified rail lines (technical font, epoch III-IV);
- Polish distance plates from electrified rail lines (stencil font, epoch IV-V);
- Polish distance plates from electrified rail lines (according to specification Ie-102, epoch Vc);
- German distance posts for main and secondary lines (epoch II);
- German distance plates for main and secondary lines (since epoch IV).
Following inputs are available in this script:
- Distance beginning – kilometre and hectometre on the first post/plate, value from 0,0 to 999,9.
- Distance end – kilometre and hectometre on the last post/plate, value from 0,0 to 999,9.
- Show offset – difference between real distance and location of plate is visible.
- Posts distance – real distance between actual location of plates, value from 1,0 to 150,0.
- Initial offset – offset visible on the first plate, value from -50,0 to 50,0.
- Scale – scale of the model, from 1:9 to 1:220. Intermediate scales are possibles e.g. 1:22,5 (I).
- Style – form of the signs (see above).
- Create doubles – create two plates/posts for each hectometre.
After clicking Create a new model is generated, based on the current parameters. By clicking Download, you can save the file on your hard drive.
Meaning of the parameters and basic rules of distance signs placement in Poland is shown in the picture below (a. when catenary posts are on both sides of the track, b. when posts are only on one side).
Based on:
- Przepisy techniczne utrzymania i eksploatacji nawierzchni na liniach kolejowych normalnotorowych użytku publicznego D1, załącznik 6 Kolejowe znaki drogowe, Warsaw 1982 (see, last access 28th July 2017);
- Warunki techniczne utrzymania nawierzchni na liniach kolejowych D1, załącznik 12 Znaki drogowe, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., Warsaw 2002 (see, last access 28th July 2017);
- Warunki techniczne utrzymania nawierzchni na liniach kolejowych Id-1 (D-1), załącznik 12 Znaki drogowe, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., Warsaw 2005 (see…, last access 28th July 2017);
- Wymagania techniczne dla wskaźników i tablic sygnałowych Ie-102, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., Warsaw 2014 (see…, last access 28th July 2017);
- Kilometertafeln im Maßstab H0, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nord-Modul e.V. (last access 12th August 2017);
- Richtlinien für die Beschaffenheit, Beschriftung, Aufstellung und Behandlung der Nummernsteine, DV 843 (see Epoche II, last access 12th August 2017);
- own photos and measurements.
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