Level crossing warning signal employed on Polish Railways. Several different assembling variants (left or right side signal, two different types of light cowls, background shields and inspection covers).
Based on
- Measurements of signals at various stations in Łódź and separate signal chambers from collection displayed at the Signalling Exhibition in Skierniewice Engine Shed;
- Railway Traffic and Safety Devices Construction Guidelines for Polish State Railways (WTB-E10/Ie4, obtained at kolej.krb.com.pl, last access on 25th January 2015);
- Railway Traffic and Safety Devices Maintenance and Inspection Manual (E24, obtained at kolej.krb.com.pl, last access on 25th January 2015);
- Bronowski, J., Górecki, H., Mikulski, A.: Elektryczne urządzenia zabezpieczenia ruchu pociągów, Wydawnictwo Komunikacyjne, Warsaw 1957;
- Mikulski, A.: Elementy przekaźnikowych urządzeń automatyki ZRK, Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Łączności, Warsaw 1970;
- Maintenance manual: railway crossing shield type ToP-99, Z.A. Kombud, Radom 1999;
- Kozak, R.: Sygnalizatory świetlne w rozmiarze H0, Koleje Dawniej i Dziś 2/2004;
- Harassek, A: Sygnalizatory świetlne według wzoru PKP, Koleje Dawniej i Dziś 4/2005;
- photos from website http://www.transportszynowy.pl/ (last access on 25th January 2015).