Traffic signs used in Germany and temporarily in some parts of Poland (Silesia) from 1909 till 1934.
Following signs included:
- speed restrictions (a, for all vehicles, for vehicles above certain weight, combined),
- signs indicating places requiring speed restriction (b),
- information signs (c),
- privileged road (d, two versions),
- traffic restriction or road closed signs (e),
- traffic direction (f),
- one-way road signs (g),
- warning signs applicable since 1927 (h, big and small versions),
- warning signs based on Paris Convention from 1909 (i).
Based on:
- Noßke, T.: Verkehrsschilder im Deutschen Reich gültig vor 1934 (Epoche II, last access on 14th May 2017);
- Rynowiecki, M.: Historia znaków drogowych (Znaki Drogowe, last access on 14th May 2017);
- Rynowiecki, M.: Historia znaków drogowych, parts 1-3, Automobilista 2/2004, 3/2004, 4/2004;
- drawings from website of Nummernschild Museum Großolbersdorf (last access on 14th May 2017);
- thread on Drehscheibe Online forum (last access on 14th May 2017).
Document uses typeface Preussische VI 9, 2. Auflage by Peter Wiegel (CatFonts, last access on 11th March 2017);
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