Models » Models by scale | Models thematically


Wskaźnik oczekiwania
1:25 » Railway signs

Waiting signal

Waiting signal utilized by German and Austrian railways also temporary in Poland during World War II. The model contains parts for building the signal in different variants.

Tarcza ostrzegawcza kształtowa wisząca
1:25 » Mechanical signals

Mechanical distant signal for signal gantries

Two-aspect mechanical distant signal with special construction to be mounted on signal gantries and signal bridges as used by German and Polish railways. The model allows for construction variant typical for Polish State Railways after 1959 (single signal shutter). The model contains additional parts to recreate the signal drive and manual on how to mount the signal on a light gantry.

Pomost sygnałowy lekki
1:25 | Other railway infrastructure

Light signal gantry

Signal gantry of a lightweight construction for placement of a single mechanical signal (semaphore or distant signal), used by German Railways and found on some Polish rail lines. The model allows for placement of the access stairs from both sides of the gantry.

Tarcza ostrzegawcza kształtowa
1:25 » Mechanical signals

Mechanical distant signal

A standard mechanical distand signal utilized by Polish and German railways. Several construction variants possible: two or three-aspect signal (with two different contruction variants of the mirror chamber), signal on small or high post signal with mechanical or electric drive additional equipment: signal couplings, levers for coupling with main signal equipment for signals used by (…)

Tarcza ostrzegawcza świetlna DRG
1:25 » Light signals

Light distant signal by the DRG

Light distant signal by the DRG as used between 1931 and 1933 on the second test section of Silesia Mountain Railway (Waldenburg – Königszelt line, currently Wałbrzych – Jaworzyna Śląska). Used as a transitional solution by Polish State Railways till mid-1980’s. Additionally, the model contains indicator K3o and K3z (indicator of two and three aspect (…)

Tablice i słupki hektometrowe
0 (1:45) | 1:25 | 1:35 | H0 (1:87) | N (1:160) | TT (1:120) » Railway signs | Signs generators

Distance plates and posts

Plates and posts with railway distance measurement as used on Polish and German railways. The script allows creating all signs for the range of distances from 0,0 km to 999,9 km. Additionally, an offset (distance correction) value can be displayed on plates.

Urządzenie dzwonowe
0 (1:45) | 1:25 | 1:35 | H0 (1:87) | N (1:160) | TT (1:120) » Other railway infrastructure

Bell signal

Railway bell signal (type Mantelbude) as manufactured by Siemens & Halske.

Traffic signs used in Germany and temporarily in some parts of Poland (Silesia) from 1909 till 1934.

Rogatki mechaniczne
1:25 » Other railway infrastructure

Mechanical boom barrier

Standarized mechanical boom barrier for level crossings, as used in Poland and Germany. Many possible construction variants included: 12 different boom lengths (from 2m to 13m), 3 different constructions of barrier’s base (depending on boom’s length), additional equipment: warning bell, safety net, boom support (fixed or hinged for double barrier), signal contact, wire transmission return (…)

Schron przeciwodłamkowy
0 (1:45) | 1:25 | 1:35 | H0 (1:87) | N (1:160) | TT (1:120) » Other models

Anti-shrapnel shelter

Standarized concrete anti-shrapnel shelter (Splitterschutzzelle) for railway areas (single entry, flat roof). Model allows building the interior and opened entry cover in 1:25 and 1:35 scale.

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