0 (1:45)
Signals and indicators of German Railways (Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft, later Deutsche Reichsbahn) valid from 1935 till 1945, also utilized on occupied territories during World War II.
Plates and posts with railway distance measurement as used on Polish and German railways. The script allows creating all signs for the range of distances from 0,0 km to 999,9 km. Additionally, an offset (distance correction) value can be displayed on plates.
Railway bell signal (type Mantelbude) as manufactured by Siemens & Halske.
Traffic signs used in Germany and temporarily in some parts of Poland (Silesia) from 1909 till 1934.
Standarized concrete anti-shrapnel shelter (Splitterschutzzelle) for railway areas (single entry, flat roof). Model allows building the interior and opened entry cover in 1:25 and 1:35 scale.
Markings of dangerous goods: plates/stickers with type of danger: explosive (class 1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 ), flamable gas (class 2.1, two color variants), presurized gas (class 2.2, two color variants), poisonous gas (class 2.3), flamable liquid (class 3), flamable solid (class 4.1), pyrophoric substance (class 4.2), substance discharging flamable gas in contact with water (class 4.3), oxidizer (class 5.1), organic peroxide (class 5.3, two color variants), poisonous substances (class 6.1), infectious substance (class 6.2), radioactive substance (class (…)
Level crossing warning signal employed on Polish Railways. Several different assembling variants (left or right side signal, two different types of light cowls, background shields and inspection cowls).
Standard railway light signal (based on Ericsson design) as employed on Polish Railways since 1970’s (ex. lighter chambers, elliptical covers). The model allows building different type of signals: main signal (home/start), distant signal, barraging signal, shunting signal, repeater, automatic block signal, indicator W3 (neighboring signal does not refer to this track). Different variants of equipment: signal with up (…)
Contemporary railway fixed signals and indicators utilized by Polish Railways. Signal DO and D1 (stop shield); signal D6 (temporary speed restriction) with indications of 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 kmph or blank (for 20kmph); three sizes: 900mm wide upward or downward or reduced 500mm wide; signal D9 (speed restriction end for narrow gauge railways); (…)